Honorary members are selected by the SRDHS team on the basis of meritorious service to pharmacy, nursing, medical profession. Nominations for Honorary Membership in the SRDHS are accepted by SRDHS team. If you would like to nominate a member for this distinguished honor, please forward your nomination as well as supporting biographical data at secretary@societyrdh.org
Any person, other than Patron and Honorary Member, having one or more of the following qualifications and having attained age of 20 years shall be eligible to be a Life Member of the Society.
A person staying abroad and satisfying the qualifications of Membership as given below can become a Life Member of the Society. A Foreign Life Member shall enjoy all the privileges and shall be bound by the Rules and Regulations, Bye-laws of the Society in respect of a Foreign Life Member. The SRDHS has the discretion to reject any application without ascribing any reasons.
Institutional Membership shall be open to the categories viz. corporate bodies engaged in the manufacture, distribution or sale of pharmaceutical products, nuring asseciries, medical education material, teaching and research; institutions and associations of such bodies. The person/s so nominated should satisfy the qualifications for Membership as stated below. The nominated person/s shall enjoy all the privileges of a Member.